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H. R. Giger and Mark Prent are both masters of navigating beauty, horror, science fiction, and fantasy. I've admired their works for a while; they both defy genre in a way that is difficult to articulate. They create and inhabit their own worlds, populating them with classic nods to both film and sculptural tradition. Giger and Prent’s works are dense and powerful, filled with shocking characters and strange magic. The time seems right to see these two great artists together in one room.
—Harmony Korine

Gagosian is pleased to present Birth Machine Baby, an exhibition curated by Harmony Korine, featuring works by H. R. Giger and Mark Prent.

In this exhibition, Korine pairs eerie humanoid figures by Giger—whose name has been cemented in Hollywood history for his visual effects and design work on the Alien film franchise—with sculptures by Prent, a Canadian artist whose grotesque and provocative depictions of the human body were greatly admired by Giger himself. Despite the divergences in Giger’s and Prent’s chosen styles and mediums, both artists’ interests lie in coaxing out latent fantastical forms from the contours of the human body.



  • H. R. Giger
  • Mark Prent