Installation Views

Works Exhibited


Gagosian is pleased to present an exhibition of sculptures by Dan Flavin and John Chamberlain.

The exhibition includes Flavin’s four-part installation Untitled (to Hans Coper, master potter) (1990). In this work, four vertical towers of white fluorescent light illuminate the gallery space. Each of the four elements has the same physical structure; the only variation lies within a subtle, progressive shift in a single hue. Reading from left to right across three gallery walls, the first tower glows with pure white fluorescent light; in the second, the cool white fluorescent light is punctuated by a single tube of warm white fluorescent light; in the third, by a single tube of daylight fluorescent light; and in the final element, both daylight and warm white fluorescent light, one tube of each, offer a final variation to the artist’s reduced yet radiant color palette.

In their sheer physicality and resplendent color, the three sculptures by John Chamberlain in the exhibition offer a material and visual counterpoint to Flavin’s Untitled (to Hans Coper, master potter). Apparentlyoffspring, Anteambulo Quincunx, and A Spear de Corps (all 1992) expand on Chamberlain’s signature handling of found, distorted metal. The sculptures’ often baroque, twisted ribbons of rhapsodically colored steel incorporate mass, space, volume, openness, weight, and material.