Works Exhibited


Frieze viewing: Friday, 15 October 6 - 10pm

The building stands poised on a weighty cusp, rocking this way and that between an uncertain past and a certain future, flickering from the transcendent to the immanent. Because for over two decades now the Power Station has been impotent-an oxymoron made of a million bricks-it says more to us about how we are than what we have been.
—Will Self

Gagosian Gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition of Vera Lutter's monumental camera obscura photographs. The exhibition features the highly anticipated Battersea Power Station project as well as significant projects completed over the past eight years. Lutter is drawn to industrial environments with historic or iconic resonance, including the abandoned Erie Basin in Red Hook, Brooklyn and Pepsi Cola Factory in Long Island City, New York.

Battersea Power Station, designed by Giles Gilbert Scott, is a remarkable relic of the Industrial Age, having provided London with electricity for nearly 50 years until its closure in 1982. Since then, this historical landmark has stood dormant for over two decades, until now, as construction is currently underway to redevelop the site into an entertainment and leisure destination. Fascinated by the future duality of the Power Station, Lutter has selected the site, a remnant of the past, before its impending transformation.

Cover of the book Vera Lutter: Fragments of Time Past

Vera Lutter: Fragments of Time Past

Cover of the book Vera Lutter: Egypt

Vera Lutter: Egypt

Cover of the Summer 2022 issue of Gagosian Quarterly magazine, featuring artwork by Takashi Murakami

Gagosian Quarterly: Summer 2022 Issue

Cover of the Spring 2020 issue of Gagosian Quarterly magazine, featuring artwork by Cindy Sherman

Gagosian Quarterly: Spring 2020 Issue
