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Gagosian is pleased to announce the representation of the Estate of Simon Hantaï (1922–2008). To inaugurate Hantaï’s representation, LES NOIRS DU BLANC, LES BLANCS DU NOIR, an exhibition of black-and-white paintings and prints dating between 1951 and 1997, will be presented at Gagosian Le Bourget.

Hantaï is best known for originating the technique of pliage (folding), in which a canvas is crumpled and knotted, uniformly painted over, and then spread out to reveal a matrix of abstract alternations between pigment and ground.

Born in Bia, Hungary, Hantaï studied at the Budapest School of Fine Arts from 1941 to 1946 before moving to Paris in 1948 to study and then—in the wake of the escalating Sovietization of his homeland—deciding to stay. In Paris, he joined André Breton’s circle of Surrealists, completing several fantastical biomorphic paintings before encountering the work of Jackson Pollock and breaking with Surrealist ideologies in 1955. Pollock’s action paintings directly inspired Hantaï’s own turn toward monumentally scaled abstraction. Hantaï began creating pliage paintings in 1960, conceiving of the process as a marriage between Surrealist automatism and the allover gestures of Abstract Expressionism. The technique dominated the work he made during the rest of his career, reemerging in diverse forms.

Simon Hantaï

Simon Hantaï

Anne Baldassari reflects on the time she spent working with Simon Hantaï on an ultimately unrealized stained-glass commission for the Cathédrale Saint-Cyr-et-Sainte-Julitte, Nevers, and explains how this endeavor served as the catalyst for an exhibition of Hantaï’s paintings that she curated at Gagosian, Le Bourget, in 2019.

Simon Hantaï and the Reserves of Painting

Book Corner
Simon Hantaï and the Reserves of Painting

An excerpt from Molly Warnock’s Simon Hantaï and the Reserves of Painting, published by Pennsylvania State University Press in 2020, explores the painter’s developments in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

Simon Hantaï: An Evening of Music

Simon Hantaï: An Evening of Music

On February 29, 2020, surrounded by the exhibition Simon Hantaï: LES NOIRS DU BLANC, LES BLANCS DU NOIR at Gagosian, Le Bourget, the late artist’s three sons performed a concert inspired by the works on view. In this video, Jérôme Hantaï, playing the viola da gamba, Pierre Hantaï, playing the harpsichord, and Marc Hantaï, playing the flute, perform a prelude by François Couperin and a trio sonata by Jean-Marie Leclair.

Simon Hantaï: Azzurro

Simon Hantaï: Azzurro

Join curator Anne Baldassari as she discusses the exhibition Simon Hantaï: Azzurro, Gagosian, Rome, and the significance of blue in the artist’s practice. The show forms part of a triptych with Gagosian’s two previous Hantaï exhibitions, LES NOIRS DU BLANC, LES BLANCS DU NOIR at Le Bourget in 2019–20, and Les blancs de la couleur, la couleur du blanc in New York, in 2022.

Simon Hantaï: Azzurro Blue

Simon Hantaï: Azzurro Blue

In conjunction with Azzurro, an exhibition of paintings by Simon Hantaï at Gagosian, Rome, we share the catalogue essay by curator Anne Baldassari. Here Baldassari focuses on the significance of blue in the artist’s practice, illuminating his affinity with Italy and the influence on his work of its classical painting tradition.

Simon Hantaï: Les blancs de la couleur, la couleur du blanc

Simon Hantaï: Les blancs de la couleur, la couleur du blanc

Anne Baldassari reflects on the art historical influences and radical breaks reflected in the artist’s work with color.

Cover of the book Simon Hantaï: Azzurro

Simon Hantaï: Azzurro

Cover of blue box version of Simon Hantaï: Les blancs de la couleur, la couleur du blanc

Simon Hantaï: Les blancs de la couleur, la couleur du blanc

Cover of the Spring 2022 issue of Gagosian Quarterly magazine, featuring artwork by Maurizio Cattelan

Gagosian Quarterly: Spring 2022 Issue

Cover of the Summer 2020 issue of Gagosian Quarterly magazine, featuring artwork by Joan Jonas

Gagosian Quarterly: Summer 2020 Issue
