Gagosian is pleased to participate in Frieze New York 2019, with a booth dedicated to the work of John Chamberlain and Steven Parrino. The included works highlight the ways in which Chamberlain and Parrino explored the act of folding and compressing materials. Through twisting, bending, or crushing, both artists variously disrupted the conventional rectilinear plane.

To receive a PDF with detailed information on the works, please contact the gallery at To attend the fair, purchase tickets at

Download the full press release (PDF)

Left: Steven Parrino, Untitled, 2004 (detail) © Steven Parrino, courtesy Parrino Family Estate. Right: John Chamberlain, GOOSECAKEWALK, 2009 (detail) © 2019 Fairweather & Fairweather LTD/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

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