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Isn’t art about breaking rules, about challenging existing systems; isn’t it about discovering meaning in things or situations before others see anything in them?
—Peter Lindbergh

Gagosian Athens is pleased to present photographs by Peter Lindbergh.

Lindbergh’s now-iconic photographs of women derive inspiration from early narrative cinema and street photography in their fleeting observations and compositional elegance. His Eastern European heritage can be traced in the stark and guileless realism that frames the feminine beauty of his subjects.

In his editorial work for Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Interview, and many other international magazines, Lindbergh replaces staged, calculated glamour with a vérité approach, enhanced by his use of high-contrast black-and-white photography. He uses body movement, in particular modern dance, to celebrate the human form in a way that carries elements of both antiquity and modernity.

Cover of the book Substance and Shadow: Alberto Giacometti sculptures and their photographs by Peter Lindbergh

Substance and Shadow: Alberto Giacometti sculptures and their photographs by Peter Lindbergh

Cover of the Summer 2017 issue of Gagosian Quarterly magazine, featuring artwork by Urs Fischer

Gagosian Quarterly: Summer 2017 Issue
